TEACHER : Mrs. Diana Herawati SP.d



NO : 35

Memorize the names of the Months in one year

On Tuesday, February 24,
2021, I did my English practical assignment, which was studying together
with my family / neighbors. However,
on this practical exam, I chose my brother to work
together to make this assignment.
I chose my younger brother, because
I had no neighbors.
Studying with brother is not as easy as
we imagined, it is very difficult and
challenging. At first,
I gave up but Iwas excited again because for the
sake of my assignment, if I didn't do it I
wouldn't graduate from school. My brother
has a very difficult time memorizing, 
let alone memorizing English.
I was looking for a way so that my brother 
could still memorize fluently. 
For starters, I would carefully
 teach her so he could understand, 
then I would record my voice for him to hear, 
and memorize it when he had free time. 
My brother is the type of kid who 
can easily memorize when he hears it, 
especially with cellphones, so my brother 
will memorize quickly. 
After 1 days, my brother memorized 
the names of the months
 well and correctly, the pronunciation 
was also correct.
It was fun, learning with my brother, 
even with emotion. 
But, it produces results that make us satisfied. 
So, never give up on sharing knowledge 
with those closest to us.
the way I taught my brother to memorize 
month names in one year :
1. teach english pronunciation correctly,

2. I told him to listen to my voice about the names of the months

3. then I looked at his memorization again, and it turned out that he memorized it

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